MAZDA2のMAZDA2・DJ5FS・DIY・brake pad replacementに関するカスタム事例
2024年03月16日 19時34分
Hi, I'm an owner of MAZDA2 1.5XD Blacktone Edition and am looking forward to your comments anytime😊 どうも、MAZDA2 1.5XD Blacktone Editionに乗っています🎵 いつでもコメントお待ちしております、宜しくお願いいたします😎
As a matter of fact, I just replaced the front brake pads today‼️ It just took way too long and involved a lot of double works cos I'm not a pro mechanic👨🔧, though💦 However, it just turned out successful after testrun and I feel so relieved😌 Since I'm already mid-50's, that work really killed my waist and feet😣💦💦💦 But, I decided to carry out brake pad replacement on my own because that's a lot cheaper than leaving it all up to my car dealer🎵 Besides, it's never illegal as long as you do this for our cars in JP😃
Now, I would like to show you how I replaced the brake pads chronologically in the following pictures📸
実は、今日ブレーキパッド交換しました‼️ 整備士👨🔧ではないのでスッゴく時間がかかり尚且つ二度手間になった部分も多かったのですが💦、最終的にはtestrunでも問題なく走れたので良かったです。でも私ももう50代半ばなんでもう足腰がクタクタ😣💦💦💦ですね。ただ、業者に丸投げよりかは全然料金💴は安いので自分でやるに至りました🎵 因みに、他人の🚘️を資格ナシでやったワケじゃないんで違法じゃないですし😃
Those are what I used for brake pad replacement.
Just extracted some brake fluid from the tank temporarily to avoid leaking the liquid in the engine.
This is to avoid staining the engine.
Widened the piston blades cos otherwise, you can't put the calipers back.
Filled the brake fluid later and made sure no fluid would leak.
Just take a look at this. The old pads were really worn and from 2 to 4 mm thick!😱 So it's obvious that replacement was required!!
これ見てください。古いパッドは厚さ2~4mm迄磨り減ってますね(@ ̄□ ̄@;)!! これでは要交換なのは明らかですよね‼️
Look at the brake shims on the right and left. The right one was extremely dirty, wasn't it?
Then I cleaned the brake parts.
Put the shim grease on the shims and some other parts.
Almost finished replacing the pads.
And of course, fastening the calipers by the torque wrench🔧.
And, fastened the wheel nuts🔩 by another torque wrench🔧
I'm done✔️ Then I put all the stuff back and testran my 🚗.
終わりですね🎵 後は片付けと試験走行です。
Did it with no problem!