2024年03月13日 00時12分
Hi, I'm an owner of MAZDA2 1.5XD Blacktone Edition and am looking forward to your comments anytime😊 どうも、MAZDA2 1.5XD Blacktone Editionに乗っています🎵 いつでもコメントお待ちしております、宜しくお願いいたします😎
Rotated the tires for my MAZDA2 last weekend cos I found out the front tires were rather worn. Then I dashed to my fave tire shop in order to ask them to fill nitrogen gas in my tires. That means you can't do this on your own at home, not even in car dealers. I know it's almost time to switch winter to summer tires, tho.
In addition, I'm also thinking of brake pad replacement later. Some car mechanics and dealers keep warning us never to do it on our own, but IDK!! Besides, it's not illegal as long as you do this for your car. I have watched the videos on brake pad replacement on YouTube several times and found out it's easier than I thought. So I'll update my timeline as soon as I replace the pads!
因みに、ブレーキパッド交換も検討しています。整備工場やディーラーの中には絶対にやらないで下さい!と脅すのもありますがそんなのカンケーねぇ! (ていうか古いか、このネタは…😅) それに他人の車のを非営利目的でやらなければ違法ではないのでね。YouTubeでパッド交換に関するvideo📼は何回か見て予習しましたが思ったよりも簡単そうです。ですので、実際パッド変えたらまたアップしますね😎
The tire in the pic used to be the rear and I moved them to the front diagonally.
The tire in the pic used to be the front and I move to the rear. Looks like the tire was quite worn😔