スイフトスポーツのイタリア・trust リアウイングスポイラー・カーボンファイバー・アイラインに関するカスタム事例
2023年02月25日 18時03分
Ciao a tutti! (皆さんこんにちは!) I am Stich and I live in Italy🇮🇹 I created this account because I'm interested in cars and tuning! 残念ながら私は日本語を話せません。ご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ありません。🙇🏻
I recently installed my carbon wing from TRUST 😍
It looks so good!
Luckily it arrived safe without scratches.
Getting original Japanese parts to Italy is a bit difficult and expensive.
The wing costed me 1000€ (~144463円) and I spent 200€ (~28892円) for installing it to the car.
But I don't regret installing it😍
I also installed eyeline to the car front headlights ✨✨
Also the next part I will install will be a bit expensive, next month I will post another update!