2023年10月21日 22時21分
Hi, I'm an owner of MAZDA2 1.5XD Blacktone Edition and am looking forward to your comments anytime😊 どうも、MAZDA2 1.5XD Blacktone Editionに乗っています🎵 いつでもコメントお待ちしております、宜しくお願いいたします😎
Enjoyed interacting with lots of MAZDA lovers in Jib Highland Ski Resort, Nagano. It sure was a lot of fun, but it was really chilly all day🥶
Since I wasn't supposed to get in the site until 9:30 a.m., I was just killing time in the parking lot nearby. It was sorta boring😴
Got in the site at 9:30 sharp, expecting my friends I know to come🥰
About 30 minutes later, lots of MAZDA cars came one after another.
This stuff is to introduce my car. Wondered if it made sense to other drivers🙄
Wow, this pink CX-8 really stands out, huh? I doubt most car dealers sell cars like this!
イヤ~~、このピンクのCX-8って目立つよなァ! こういう🚘️売るディーラーってあんましいないでしょ!
This MAZDA6 wagon really rocks! I really wanted to buy one but couldn't cos it costs a real fortune😔
イヤ~~、このATENZAワゴンイカしてますね‼️ ホントは欲しかったんですが、超絶高級車なんで諦めました😞
This is the special edition of MAZDA6, and it looks so luxurious. But the moment it was sold, the stick shifts became out of production😭 I don't get it😤
これはMAZDA6の特別仕様車なんですが贅沢に見えますねェ‼️ でもこいつが売れたと同時にマニュアル車が生産中止になりました😭 全く意味わからん💢😠💢
The left is MAZDA2 XD Touring with AT, the center is mine, and the right is CX-3 with MT. Felt as if we were close friends.
左がMAZDA2 XD TouringのAT、真ん中が私ので、右がCX-3のマニュアルです。なんか親友だなって気がしました
I'm really amazed lots of MAZDA6 came, and this one really turns me on! Plus, this is a stick shift I really adore!
イヤ~~、MAZDA6が多いのには驚きですね。因みに、コイツも気に入っております! 何つったって、私の好きなマニュアルですから‼️
The left MAZDA3 is a gasoline with a stick shift, while the right one is a diesel with AT. Both look really cool, but I don't understand why diesel MAZDA3s are all ATs😒