MAZDA2のMAZDA2・DIY・oil changeに関するカスタム事例
2023年04月09日 17時47分
Hi, I'm an owner of MAZDA2 1.5XD Blacktone Edition and am looking forward to your comments anytime😊 どうも、MAZDA2 1.5XD Blacktone Editionに乗っています🎵 いつでもコメントお待ちしております、宜しくお願いいたします😎
Decided to change oil cos I noticed I added too much oil and the warning⚠️ showed it loud and clear. Hope the same warning will never show up again. So I'd like you to be careful not to add too much if you think about oil change by yourself.
Put the front tires on the squared timbers to jack up the car more smoothly.
The jack stands are necessary for efficient oil change.
Opening the lid is required for oil change tho it's a real hassle💦
So let's get rid of the old oil.
Actually, I tried to get rid of the unnecessary oil only but since I couldn't tell how much oil was unnecessary, I decided to carry out oil change.
Yes! The warning⚠️ disappeared!
やった😃✌️ これで警告は消えました🎵
Warmed up the engine to make sure the new oil🛢 was circulated in the whole engine.
And finally, the level gauge said I didn't add too much!